Board of Supervisors, Municipal Boards

Board of Supervisors

Bill DiCioccio, Jr., Chairman
Term Expires 12/31/2029
Mobile: 724-333-0202

Dr. Michael Sisk, Vice Chairman
Term Expires 12/31/2027
Mobile: 724-624-0483

Richard George, Supervisor
Term Expires 12/31/2026
Mobile: 412-974-4715

Lesa Mastrofrancesco, Supervisor
Term Expires 12/31/2026
Mobile: 724-622-2573

George Warzynski, Supervisor
Term Expires 12/31/2029
Mobile: 724-494-6751

Municipal Boards

Sewer Authority – Frank Vescio, Mario DiBello, Richard Nicastro, Marsha DeCenzo, and Joy George

Water Authority – William DiCioccio, Sr., Jacob Morrison, Carol Lancos, and Danny D. Santia Jr.

Planning Commission – Frank Vescio, Patrick McMullen, Dr. Richard Gradisek, Karen Hall, Michael Dyrwal, Tony Rosatone, Dennis Morrison, John Coladonato, and Wayne Kress

Recreation Board – Lesa Mastrofrancesco, Lorraine Johns, John Dugan, Keith Kostosky, Renee Kostosky, and Vicki Dugan

Zoning Hearing Board Lucas Watson, John McCracken, George Paich, Dante Ross, and Kristen Gatehouse


Meeting Schedule

Planning Commission – First Thursday of the month at 4:30 p.m.
Zoning Hearing Board – Scheduled as needed.
Township Meetings – Work Session is the first Monday of every month at 4:30 p.m., the Regular Meeting is the third Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the municipal building.